"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players." 

- Shakespeare AD 1599


Performance Coaching Australia takes a no bullshit yet compassionate approach in guiding you towards developing an internal locus of control and a more harmonious and fulfilling life. A spiritual awakening / emergence, while a profound experience, doesn't automatically equip individuals with a moral compass or ensure psychological maturity. These qualities require dedicated effort and understanding. 

Therefore, it's vital for those seeking a balanced and healthy life to engage in psychological work alongside their spiritual pursuits. Unfortunately, many remain unaware of this crucial link, despite numerous instances of spiritual leaders who, while having attained deep spiritual insights, lacked emotional intelligence or a broader social awareness.

Counselling & Coaching

Performance Coaching Australia recognizes that we all play various roles / parts in our personal and professional lives, offering a unique blend of counselling & coaching to help you.

Personal Issues

Professional Issues

Core Principles

There are parallels between the core principles of Performance Coaching Australia and those of a professional athlete:


Meditation Yoga: Courses & Teacher Training

It seems that everyone wants to do a meditation course, become a teacher, start a business….and all in a few weeks ! Consider the irony that ‘being in a hurry’ and being anxious to ‘succeed’ are precisely the reasons many people turn to meditation in the first place.

Meditation Yoga

This teacher training is for two groups of people :

The course will develop an understanding of the principles and application of the practices underlying meditation yoga, qualities of kindness and compassion.

Meditation Yoga : Pause. Pivot. Merge

Ambition within meditation yoga is (almost) an oxymoron.

At first some goal, some direction, eagerness, ambition to succeed is required. Yet at some stage the ambition starts to impede the practice and we start getting in our own way. Then we have to start to let go a little, to surrender.

Self-Regulation of Thoughts & Emotions

We are in what could be described as the beginning of a 'post alcoholic generation'.

In the past we might have said ‘have a drink’ or 'go and get drunk’ to feel better, to get over a situation, to think about something.

These days many people and the young in particular are more likely to go for a run or practice meditation yoga or tai chi to self-regulate their internal world of thoughts and emotions.

Mind. Body. Breath.

Who Practices Meditation Yoga ?

If you are browsing this site you are probably someone that:

Meditation Yoga Practitoners :

Contemplation :

Spiritual emergence